10. Which soil layer contains the most humus? (1 point)

A horizon
B horizon
C horizon
D horizon

its the O horizon, i know this. But i guess it wants you to tell which is closest

14. Which of the following usually causes creep? (1 point)
volcanic activity
freezing and thawing of water beneath the soil
plate tectonics

theres a picture to this, its just a peice of land where one side is more elavated than the other. It's like the side of a hill or something. ITS A CREEP

what were the answers

I agree

sorry:( i did not realize that you had posted.

thank you

@You people are Stupid, Stop being a jerk, this is Jiskha, we only come here to learn, stop being negative and go away! Did'int your mother teach that saying? if you nothing nice to say don't say it at all.

Anyone have the whole test?

Bruh you guys are weird this is legit cheating

im pressed for time. sorry to be impatient but pls help asap!

People are so naive. just live your life would ya, who here agrees with me?

thank you ms sue

Yiu people are stupid

The answers are A and C...

10. B?


14. I think you're right.


you people are stupid

I'm so sorry that 19 minutes isn't soon enough for you.

We are all volunteers and help students when we have time.

Patience, child!