A polygon is a __ dimensional figure with ___ or more sides.

A regular polygon has equal ____ lengths and equal ____ measures

2 dimensional with 3 or more sides


A polygon is a two-dimensional figure with straight sides. It consists of line segments that are connected to form a closed shape.

To determine the number of sides a polygon has, we need to count the line segments that make up its boundary. By definition, a polygon has a minimum of three sides. However, it can have any number of sides greater than three.

A regular polygon is a special type of polygon where all sides and angles are equal. In other words, a regular polygon has sides of equal length and angles of equal measure.

To confirm if a polygon is regular or not, we can measure the lengths of its sides and the measures of its angles. If all the side lengths and angle measures are the same, then it can be classified as a regular polygon.