1. Nearly 150 years later, a talented ballet dancer appeared in the same city.

ANS: Part= talented & ballet, same

3. Nevertheless, she joined into the famed Imperial School of Ballet in St. Petersburt
ANS: Part= famed

4. Anna's teachers were famous themselves.
ANS: PA = famous

5. In 1899 Anna Pavlova became a respected member of the Imperial Ballet.
ANS: Part = respected

7. She was successful in the lead role in Giselle
ANS: PA = successful

8. After several years Pavolova received the desired title of prima ballerina
ANS: Part= several, prima & desired

10.. While others tried new approaches, she remained faithful to the traditional methods.
ANS: Part = new, faithful & traditional

Now 3, 4, 5, and 7 are correct.

1. talented is right

3. Right
4. Right
5. Right
7. Right
8. Only desired is right.
10. Wrong

2. Anna Pavlova quickly rose to fame due to her exceptional talent and dedication to ballet.

ANS: Part = exceptional talent, dedication & ballet

6. Throughout her career, Pavlova performed in numerous ballets, including Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty.
ANS: Part = numerous ballets, Swan Lake & The Sleeping Beauty

9. Pavlova's unique style and graceful movements captivated audiences worldwide.
ANS: Part = unique style, graceful movements & captivated audiences

To answer these questions, you can identify the answer by identifying specific keywords or key phrases in the given information. Here's a breakdown of how to find the answers for each question:

1. Question: Nearly 150 years later, a talented ballet dancer appeared in the same city.
Answer: Look for keywords "talented" and "ballet." By understanding these keywords, you can identify that the answer is referring to a talented ballet dancer.

3. Question: Nevertheless, she joined into the famed Imperial School of Ballet in St. Petersburg.
Answer: Look for the keyword "famed." By understanding this keyword, you can identify that the answer is referring to the Imperial School of Ballet in St. Petersburg being famous.

4. Question: Anna's teachers were famous themselves.
Answer: Identify the keyword "famous." By understanding this keyword, you can determine that Anna's teachers were famous.

5. Question: In 1899 Anna Pavlova became a respected member of the Imperial Ballet.
Answer: Look for the keyword "respected." By understanding this keyword, you can identify that Anna Pavlova became a respected member of the Imperial Ballet in 1899.

7. Question: She was successful in the lead role in Giselle.
Answer: Identify the keyword "successful." By understanding this keyword, you can determine that she was successful in the lead role in Giselle.

8. Question: After several years, Pavolova received the desired title of prima ballerina.
Answer: Look for the keywords "several," "prima," and "desired." By understanding these keywords, you can identify that after several years, Pavolova received the desired title of prima ballerina.

10. Question: While others tried new approaches, she remained faithful to the traditional methods.
Answer: Look for the keywords "new," "faithful," and "traditional." By understanding these keywords, you can determine that while others tried new approaches, she remained faithful to the traditional methods.