10 rhyme word

To find 10 rhyme words, you can follow these steps:

1. Choose a word as a starting point, for example, "cat."

2. Identify the syllables in the word. In this case, "cat" has one syllable.

3. Identify the vowel sound in the syllable. In this case, the vowel sound is "a" as in "cat."

4. Look for other words that end with the same vowel sound "a" and have the same number of syllables.

Based on these steps, here are 10 words that rhyme with "cat":

1. Hat
2. Rat
3. Sat
4. Bat
5. Pat
6. Mat
7. Chat
8. Fat
9. That
10. Sat

Note that this is just one example, and depending on the word you choose or the specific pronunciation, you may find different variations or additional rhyming words.