Sra. do my answers look correct?

Part I Los mandatos en contexto. Escoge el mandato apropiado. Pon atención al contexto para determinar si es un mandato formal o informal.

1. Sé que Ud. tiene hambre pero, ¡no _______________!
A. lo come
B. lo coma
C. cómelo
D. cómalo
My answer is B. lo coma

2. ________________, por favor. Es hora de empezar.
A. Levántense
B. Se levanten
C. Levántanse
D. Se levantan
My answer is A Levántense

3. Tienes que esperar un momento. _______________ todavía.
A. No empiézalo
B. No lo empiezas
C. No empiécelo
D. No lo empieces
My answer is D No lo empieces

4. Necesito los mapas que tienen. ¡_______________!
A. Dánmelos
B. Dénmelos
C. Me los dén
D. Me los dan
My answer is B Dénmelos

5. Esos cigarros son de Cuba. No debe tocarlos y, por favor, no_____________.
A. fúmalos
B. los fuma
C. los fume
D. fúmelos
My answer is C. los fume

Part II Mandatos informales. Change the following formal commands to informal commands according to the models.

Señor, no se siente todavía. → Hijo, no te sientes todavía.
Profesora, explíquelo, por favor. → Explícalo tú.

6. Señora, firme aquí, por favor. → Querido, __________ aquí.
My answer: firma

7. Chofer, no maneje tan rápido. → Amigo, no __________ tan rápido.
My answer: manejes

8. Licenciado, déme el reporte. → Estudiante, __________ el reporte.
My answer: dáme

9. Doctor, lávelas antes de salir. → Niño, __________ antes de salir.
My answer: lávalas

10. Oiga, taxista. Conduzca con cuidado. → Oye, hija __________ tú con cuidado.
My answer: conduce

11. Señor, no baje en esta parada. → Muchacho, no __________ en esta parada.
My answer: bajes

12. Jefe, no les diga eso, por favor. → Hijo, no les __________ eso.
My answer: digas

Esta es mi última tarea. Muchas gracias por todo.

I'll send this to Sra.

8. I prefer it with the accent mark, but you may see it without, because, according to the rule of pronunciation, if the word ends in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) the stress is on the next-to-last syllable. habla / hable / dame / deme



Great job! Your answers look correct to me. Keep up the good work! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your final assignment!

Here's a breakdown of each question and its correct answer:

Part I Los mandatos en contexto:

1. The correct answer is B. lo coma.
In this sentence, we need to use the formal command (mandato formal) with the verb "comer." When using the formal command, we use the present subjunctive form of the verb, which is "coma." Since we are referring to a direct object, we need to add the pronoun "lo" before the verb.

2. The correct answer is A. Levántense.
In this sentence, we need to use the formal command with the verb "levantarse." The correct form for the formal command is "Levántense," which is the plural form.

3. The correct answer is D. No lo empieces.
In this sentence, we need to use the informal command (mandato informal) with the verb "empezar." The correct form for the informal command is "No lo empieces."

4. The correct answer is B. Dénmelos.
In this sentence, we need to use the informal command with the verb "dar." The correct form for the informal command is "Dénmelos," which is the plural form.

5. The correct answer is C. Los fume.
In this sentence, we need to use the informal command with the verb "fumar." The correct form for the informal command is "Los fume," since we are referring to the direct object "los cigarros."

Part II Mandatos informales:

6. The correct answer is firma.
To change the formal command "Señora, firme aquí, por favor" to an informal command, we replace "Señora" with "Querido" and change "firme" to "firma."

7. The correct answer is manejes.
To change the formal command "Chofer, no maneje tan rápido" to an informal command, we replace "Chofer" with "Amigo" and change "maneje" to "manejes."

8. The correct answer is dáme.
To change the formal command "Licenciado, déme el reporte" to an informal command, we replace "Licenciado" with "Estudiante" and change "déme" to "dáme."

9. The correct answer is lávalas.
To change the formal command "Doctor, lávelas antes de salir" to an informal command, we replace "Doctor" with "Niño" and change "lávelas" to "lávalas."

10. The correct answer is conduce.
To change the formal command "Oiga, taxista. Conduzca con cuidado" to an informal command, we replace "Oiga" with "Oye" and change "conduzca" to "conduce."

11. The correct answer is bajes.
To change the formal command "Señor, no baje en esta parada" to an informal command, we replace "Señor" with "Muchacho" and change "baje" to "bajes."

12. The correct answer is digas.
To change the formal command "Jefe, no les diga eso, por favor" to an informal command, we replace "Jefe" with "Hijo" and change "diga" to "digas."

Overall, your answers look correct! Great job!