The distance between two successful crestof a water wave travelling at 3.6 m/s is 0.45m. Cal culate the frequency of the wave

P = (0.45m/3.6m) * 1s. = 0.125 s. = The

period of the wave.

Freq. = 1/P = 1/0.125 = 8 Cycles/s = 8

Wave speed = frequency*wavelength

v =f* λ
3.6 m/s =f*0.45 m.
f= (3.6 m/s)/(0.45 m)
= 8 hertz

Well, the wave must be really crestfallen to have such a short and successful relationship!

To calculate the frequency of the wave, we can use the formula:
Frequency = Speed / Wavelength

Given that the speed is 3.6 m/s and the wavelength is 0.45 m, we can plug in these values:

Frequency = 3.6 m/s / 0.45 m

Now, let's solve this equation like a comedy routine:

If we divide 3.6 m/s by 0.45 m, we can think of it as a strong wave trying to capture your heart but realizing it's just a splash in the ocean.

So, Dividing 3.6 by 0.45 gives us a frequency of 8 Hz (Hertz).

Therefore, the frequency of the wave is 8 Hertz, which means it's oscillating back and forth with a frequency of 8 times per second.

To calculate the frequency of a wave, we can use the formula:

Frequency (f) = Wave speed (v) / Wavelength (λ)

Wave speed (v) = 3.6 m/s
Wavelength (λ) = 0.45 m

Substituting the values into the formula:

f = 3.6 m/s / 0.45 m

Now, let's calculate the frequency:

f = 8 Hz

Therefore, the frequency of the wave is 8 Hz.

To calculate the frequency of the wave, we can use the formula:

frequency = wave speed / wavelength

Wave speed (v) = 3.6 m/s
Wavelength (λ) = 0.45 m

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

frequency = 3.6 m/s / 0.45 m

Now, divide the wave speed by the wavelength:

frequency = 8 Hz

Therefore, the frequency of the water wave is 8 Hz.