Issac has a piece of rope that is 5 yards long. Into how many 1/2 yard pieces of rope can Issac cut the rope? Please help answer thx

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To determine how many 1/2 yard pieces of rope can be cut from a 5-yard long rope, we can divide the total length of the rope by the length of each piece.

Given that the length of each piece is 1/2 yard, we need to calculate 5 yards ÷ 1/2 yard.

To divide by a fraction, we can multiply by the reciprocal of the fraction. The reciprocal of 1/2 is 2/1 (or simply 2).

So, multiplying 5 yards by 2 gives us:

5 yards × 2 = 10

Therefore, Isaac can cut the 5-yard long rope into 10 pieces of 1/2 yard each.