From the words below supply the words needed to complete the sentences.

Compatible, virtuoso, vilify, vulnerable, incipient, colloquial

A. The VIRTUOSO who had spent ten years refining his skills as a violinist would sarcastically VILIFY those who made mistakes.

B. Saying "I reckon" is a COLLOQUIAL expression that is not COMPATIBLE with the formal image we wish to project.

C. The two friends found out in the INCIPIENT stages of their relationship where each was most VULNERABLE and most easily hurt.


To complete the sentences, you can use the words "virtuoso," "vilify," "colloquial," "compatible," "incipient," and "vulnerable."

A. The [VIRTUOSO] who had spent ten years refining his skills as a violinist would sarcastically [VILIFY] those who made mistakes.

To complete this sentence, you can use the words "virtuoso" and "vilify." The word "virtuoso" refers to a person highly skilled in a specific artistic field, while "vilify" means to speak ill of someone or criticize them harshly.

B. Saying "I reckon" is a [COLLOQUIAL] expression that is not [COMPATIBLE] with the formal image we wish to project.

To complete this sentence, you can use the words "colloquial" and "compatible." "Colloquial" means informal or conversational, and "compatible" means able to exist or work together harmoniously.

C. The two friends found out in the [INCIPIENT] stages of their relationship where each was most [VULNERABLE] and most easily hurt.

To complete this sentence, you can use the words "incipient" and "vulnerable." "Incipient" means just beginning or in the early stages, and "vulnerable" means easily harmed or hurt.