1. What effect did the suffrage movement have on women in South Carolina?

A. women gained the right to work outside of the home
B. women gained the right to belong to political parties
C. women gained the right to attend public schools
D. women gained the right to vote through the nineteenth amendment***

2. How did world war 1 benefit the economy in South Carolina the most?
A. The government improved transportation systems
B. The government opened military bases for training***
C. The people of South Carolina bought Library Bonds
D. The people planted victory gardens, increasing food production

3. How did mass production in the 1920s affect life in South Carolina?
A. The variety of available consumer products decreased
B. Some citizens bought mass produced cars
C. Farmers bought mass produced farm vehicles
D. Citizens purchased more hand-made items

4. How did WW2 affect the role of women in society
A. More women married and started
B. More women began working outside the home
C. Women became less likely to receive schooling
D. Women who worked made the same amount as men in similar jobs

on number 4 i thought it could be either A,B and D but I have to choose one



MRS. SUE WHY YOU SO BIG DUBM (I spelt it like this on purpose)!

Im in 6th grade and I know more that a dumb "a" grown woman. (you know what "a" means ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )


well can you help me with 3

okay so i was reading and for number 4 I got B

Mass Production is the production of big amounts of standardized products, especially on assembly lines

To find the correct answer to each of the questions, we can analyze the given options one by one:

1. What effect did the suffrage movement have on women in South Carolina?
The suffrage movement fought for women's right to vote. The correct answer is D. women gained the right to vote through the nineteenth amendment. This was a significant achievement for women's rights.

2. How did World War 1 benefit the economy in South Carolina the most?
To determine the correct answer, we need to consider how World War 1 impacted the economy in South Carolina. Among the given options, B. The government opened military bases for training seems to be the most relevant to the wartime economy boosting the state.

3. How did mass production in the 1920s affect life in South Carolina?
Mass production refers to the increased production of goods using assembly line techniques. Considering that hand-made items became less common during this time, the correct answer is B. Some citizens bought mass produced cars, as the automobile industry was a prime example of mass production during the 1920s.

4. How did WW2 affect the role of women in society?
WW2 had a significant impact on the role of women in society, as many men were drafted into the armed forces, causing a shortage of workers in various industries. Among the given options, B. More women began working outside the home is the most accurate answer, as women took on jobs in factories and other sectors to support the war effort.

So, the correct answers are:
1. D. women gained the right to vote through the nineteenth amendment.
2. B. The government opened military bases for training.
3. B. Some citizens bought mass produced cars.
4. B. More women began working outside the home.

The first two are right.

3 is wrong.

Keep reading and thinking about 4. One of your answers is right.

Yes. What is mass production?

4 B is correct.

You're right about mass production, Which of the two answers about mass production affected the most people?

I think more people bought cars than bough farm equipment.