Why can astronauts jump higher on the surface of the moon than on the surface of the earth? Is it because their legs are stronger? Has the amount of "body matter," i.e., "mass" changed? Do they weigh less on the moon than on earth? Why

No, the mass does not change.

Yes, they weigh less on the moon; because g is 9.8 on earth but only 1.63
on the moon.

Astronauts can jump higher on the surface of the moon compared to the surface of the Earth due to several factors. It's not because their legs are stronger or that their body mass has changed. The primary reason is that they weigh less on the moon.

The force of gravity is what determines our weight on a celestial body. The moon has only about 1/6th the gravitational pull of the Earth. Therefore, an astronaut weighs about 1/6th of their weight on Earth when standing on the moon's surface. This reduced gravitational pull makes them feel lighter, allowing them to exert less force against the ground when jumping.

To further understand why astronauts weigh less on the moon, it is crucial to know the concept of gravity and how it affects objects. Gravity is the force that attracts two objects towards each other. The strength of the gravitational force depends on the mass of the two objects and the distance between them. The moon has much less mass than the Earth, resulting in a weaker gravitational pull.

The mass of an object, which refers to the amount of matter it contains, actually remains the same regardless of the location. So, an astronaut's body mass doesn't change when they travel to the moon or any other celestial body.

When astronauts jump on the moon, they experience less gravitational pull, making them feel lighter and allowing them to propel themselves higher into the air. However, it's important to note that even though they can jump higher, the force with which they jump remains the same as on Earth. It's the reduced gravity that makes it seem higher.

In summary, astronauts can jump higher on the moon due to the moon's lower gravitational pull compared to the Earth. Their weight is significantly reduced, but their body mass remains the same.