Identify the type of pronoun error in the sentence.

1 Neither of we boys was going to the ball game.
A)reference B)case C)agreement

2)The papers are on the desk that I corrected.
A)reference B)case C)agreement

3)The traffic pattern on the new road is slowed down by too many traffic lights and left turns .It has to be
A)reference B)case C)agreement

4)If anyone accepts his challenge he will be sorry.A)reference B)case C)agreement

#1 is "case" because the subject case ("we") is incorrectly used where the object case ("us") should be.

Now ... you let us know what you think the other answers are, and someone here will check your work.

The traffic pattern on the new road is slowed down by too many traffic lights and left turns .It has to be

A)reference B)case C)agreement


is anyone still here to help?

1) The type of pronoun error in the sentence "Neither of we boys was going to the ball game" is agreement. The correct pronoun should be "us" instead of "we" to agree with the preposition "of" and the plural noun "boys". To identify this type of error, you should analyze the subject and the verb agreement in the sentence.

2) There is no pronoun error in the sentence "The papers are on the desk that I corrected." Each pronoun in the sentence has a clear reference, and there is no issue with case or agreement. To answer this question, you need to analyze the sentence structure and check if the pronouns are being used correctly.

3) The type of pronoun error in the sentence "The traffic pattern on the new road is slowed down by too many traffic lights and left turns. It has to be improved" is reference. The pronoun "it" doesn't have a clear antecedent or referent. To determine this error, you should identify the pronoun and check if there is a clear noun or noun phrase that it refers to.

4) There is no pronoun error in the sentence "If anyone accepts his challenge, he will be sorry." The pronoun "his" agrees with the singular noun "anyone" and there is no issue with reference or case. To answer this question, you need to analyze how the pronoun relates to the rest of the sentence and if it is being used correctly.

Right ... because it's not clear what "It" is referring to.
