there are 400 students at smith Elementary school 1/4 of the students are in fourth and fifth grade, 1/10 of the students are in grade 3, 2/8 are in second grade and 2/5 are in first grade . How many kids are in each grade?

(4th and 5th have an equal amount)

so 1/4 in fourth and 1/4 in fifth

grade 1 = 2/5 * 400 = 2 * 80 = 160
grade 2 = 2/8 * 400 = 2 * 50 = 100
grade 3 = 1/10 *400 = 1 * 40 = 40
grade 4 = 1/8 * 400 = 1 * 50 = 100
grade 5 = 1/8 * 400 = 1 * 50 = 100

grade 2 is 2/8 which is 1/4 by the way, sme as grades 4 and 5

i have prblm in mths


How do you do standerd form

I Stander Form wen i be in school and some times home


what the hell

my question is what is 124,607

wwe is awsome.


I think the answer is very simple. In order to find the answer you have to look closely to what the answer is telling you .

The answer is going to be about 25

I have done one-third of my homework. What fraction is left

to be done?
a. 1/3 b. 2/3 c. 1/2

please anyone help me fast

say please

Damon you math is off. The problem says that there are a total of 400 students. Your calculations suggest that there are 500.

I am an even number near 65 . My digit is 6 who am I ?