Identify 3 study fields/paths in order of preference and provide two reasons for each choice

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"in order of preference" <~~This means only YOU can do this!



To identify three study fields/paths in order of preference, you can follow these steps:

1. Self-reflection: Start by reflecting on your interests, strengths, and career goals. Consider what subjects you have enjoyed studying in the past and which ones you excel in. Think about the skills you want to develop and the type of work you envision yourself doing.

2. Research: Once you have an understanding of your interests and goals, research various study fields/paths that align with them. Look for information online, read books or articles related to different subjects, and talk to professionals or academic advisors in those fields. This will help you gather insights into the options available.

Here are three study fields/paths in order of preference, along with two reasons for each choice:

1. Computer Science:
a. Increasing Demand: The field of computer science offers numerous job opportunities in various sectors, given its relevance in today's digital world. The demand for skilled computer science professionals continues to grow.
b. Problem-Solving Skills: Studying computer science enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. You learn to approach complex issues logically and develop innovative solutions using programming languages.

2. Environmental Science:
a. Global Concerns: Environmental issues are gaining more attention worldwide. By studying environmental science, you can contribute to finding sustainable solutions for challenges like climate change, conservation, and pollution.
b. Interdisciplinary Nature: Environmental science integrates knowledge from different disciplines, including biology, chemistry, geology, and social sciences. This interdisciplinary approach provides a holistic understanding of environmental problems and their solutions.

3. Business Administration:
a. Versatile Skill Set: Studying business administration equips you with valuable skills in management, finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship. These skills are applicable across various industries and can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities.
b. Personal Growth and Leadership: Business administration programs often focus on developing leadership skills, fostering teamwork, and enhancing communication abilities. These qualities are vital for professional success and personal growth.

Remember, the order of preference may differ based on your personal interests and objectives. Taking the time to reflect and gather information will help you make informed decisions about which study fields/paths to pursue.