What would be the consequence of an ecosystem that had no nitrogen-fixing bacteria?

Nitrogen from decomposing animals would never be returned to the soil.
Decomposers would not be able to break down the nitrogen present in plants they feed on.
Plants would have to rely on biologically available nitrogen present in the soil.
Consumers would not survive since they would have no way to obtain the nitrogen they need.

I think we would starve because no plants would grow but maybe die from no conversion of CO2 to C and O2 without photosynthesis first.

In an ecosystem that lacks nitrogen-fixing bacteria, several consequences can be observed:

1. Nitrogen Cycling Disruption: Nitrogen-fixing bacteria play a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle by converting atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into biologically useful forms like ammonia (NH3) and nitrates (NO3-). Without these bacteria, atmospheric nitrogen would not be able to be converted into usable forms. This means that the nitrogen from decomposing animals would never be returned to the soil, leading to a disruption in the nitrogen cycle.

2. Limited Nitrogen Availability: Decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, rely on the breakdown of nitrogen-rich organic matter to obtain nitrogen for their own growth and development. In the absence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, decomposers would not be able to break down the nitrogen present in plants they feed on effectively. This would limit the availability of nitrogen in the ecosystem, affecting the growth and productivity of plants.

3. Plant Nitrogen Dependence: Plants require nitrogen to carry out essential functions such as protein synthesis and growth, among others. In the absence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, plants would have to solely rely on the biologically available nitrogen present in the soil. If the available nitrogen becomes scarce due to limited decomposition and lack of atmospheric nitrogen fixation, plants may struggle to obtain the necessary nitrogen, leading to stunted growth and reduced overall fitness.

4. Negative Impact on Consumers: Since plants would struggle to obtain nitrogen, this would have a ripple effect on the rest of the food chain. Consumers, including herbivores and carnivores, obtain their required nitrogen indirectly from the plants they consume. Without sufficient nitrogen availability in plants, consumers would also struggle to obtain the necessary nitrogen, leading to a decrease in population sizes and potentially causing serious imbalances in the ecosystem.

In summary, the consequences of a nitrogen-fixing bacteria-free ecosystem would include disruption in nitrogen cycling, limited nitrogen availability for plants, increased dependence on soil nitrogen, and negative impact on consumers.