When you round 94,872 to the nearest ten thousand = 90,000, then round to the nearest thousand = 95,000. What do you notice about your answers ? Explain

Well, what do you notice? Is it closer to the original number?


The rounded number to the nearest ten thousand is 90,000, while the rounded number to the nearest thousand is 95,000. In comparing these two rounded numbers, we can observe that the rounded number to the nearest ten thousand is smaller than the rounded number to the nearest thousand.

This happens because when rounding to the nearest ten thousand, we only consider the digit in the ten thousand's place and ignore all the digits after that. In the case of 94,872, the digit in the ten thousand's place is 9, and since it is less than 5, we round down to 90,000.

On the other hand, when rounding to the nearest thousand, we consider the digit in the thousand's place and discard all digits after that. In the case of 94,872, the digit in the thousand's place is 8, which is equal to 5 or greater. Therefore, we round up to 95,000.

Thus, we can conclude that when rounding, as we move to the right and consider more digits, the rounded number generally increases.

When rounding 94,872 to the nearest ten thousand, the rules of rounding state that we consider the digit in the ten thousand place (8 in this case). Since 8 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up. Therefore, rounding 94,872 to the nearest ten thousand gives us 90,000.

Next, when rounding 90,000 to the nearest thousand, we look at the digit in the thousand place (0 in this case). Since 0 is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, rounding 90,000 to the nearest thousand gives us 90,000.

Now, let's explain the observation: The first rounding operation rounded the original number up to the nearest ten thousand, which increased the value of the number. However, when we performed the second rounding operation, the number remained the same because rounding 90,000 to the nearest thousand does not involve any change.

In summary, what we notice is that the first rounding operation can potentially change the value of the number, while the second rounding operation might not always result in a change if the number is already an exact multiple of the place value being rounded to.