hi, can someone pls check my answers asap!!???

1.Select the community activity that is a healthy choice to promote fitness for all ages
A.annual 5K fun run for charity***
B.annual state fair
C.monthly movie in the park
D.monthly laser light show at the planetarium

2.Reginald is an excellent basketball player who can shoot and dribble very well. His teammates get frustrated when he takes the game over and refuses to pass the ball to anyone else when they are on offense. Many times he takes awkward shots that have no chance of going in the basket. How can Reginald exhibit appropriate social behaviors and teamwork when playing basketball? (1 point)
A.Ask the coach to tell the team to stop complaining because without him they would lose.
B.Explain to his team that he has the best chance of making a basket and that is why he shoots.***
C.Realize that basketball is a team game and follow the game plan to shoot only when open.
D.Strike a deal with his friend that they will pass the ball between themselves before shooting.

3.Select the choice which represents the activities that require a participant to demonstrate physical superiority over an opponent in a contact sport exercise (1 point)
A.archery and tennis
B.badminton and fencing
C.fencing and wrestling***
D.wrestling and paddleball

4.Which form of gymnastics incorporates dance, ballet, gymnastics, and apparatus? (1 point)

5.Australians who prefer to participate in a non-contact game in the outdoors that relies on accurate throwing and rolling skills might choose the game of
B.lawn bowling***

6.Zach is playing in his first floor hockey game. As the goalie, he knows that his main job is to play directly in front of the goal and stop the ball from going in the net. In order to freely move to all areas of the floor on both offense and defense, zach should play what position?
C.left wing
D.right defenseman***

7.While playing a game of floor hockey, Wade has chosen to be the right defense-man. How should he position his body when the other team’s center begins to get close to Wade’s team’s goal?
A.behind the goal to stop any errant shots from bouncing back to the other team
B.between the opposing player and the center line
C.between the opposing player and his team’s goal***
D.side by side with the opposing player

8.Shawna’s hockey coach is planning for the upcoming game against their biggest rival. She thinks her players aren't quite as fast as most of the individuals on the other team, and she knows they aren't as experienced. The coach stresses fundamentals and proper passing technique. One basic offensive strategy her coach asks her players to use is to make sure they pass the puck to
A.a spot slightly ahead of their teammate
B.the teammate covered by two defenders
C.their teammate’s back skate
D.their teammate’s front skate***

9.During her soccer game, Brittany hears her coach tell her team to look for better shot selection. The offensive strategy her coach is attempting to get Brittany and her teammates to use more is shooting when the
A.goalkeeper is out of position***
B.team has the ball near the center line
C.team is ahead in the game
D.team is the dribbling the ball near their own goal

some im not so sure like #6 possibly, anyway, pls desperate help asap!!!!!
thanx in advance

this website is kinda bad nobody answers

bru this is from 2021 but let me see what do i know....

4.Which form of gymnastics incorporates dance, ballet, gymnastics, and apparatus? (1 point)
its rhyt- wait a minute, he's giving answers!!

Sure, I can check your answers for you! Here are the correct answers:

1. A. annual 5K fun run for charity
2. C. Realize that basketball is a team game and follow the game plan to shoot only when open.
3. C. fencing and wrestling
4. B. rhythmic
5. B. lawn bowling
6. D. right defenseman
7. C. between the opposing player and his team’s goal
8. A. a spot slightly ahead of their teammate
9. A. goalkeeper is out of position


1. The healthy choice to promote fitness for all ages would be a community activity that involves physical exercise. The annual 5K fun run for charity fits this description, making option A the correct answer.

2. Reginald can exhibit appropriate social behaviors and teamwork by realizing that basketball is a team game and following the game plan to shoot only when open. This ensures that he involves his teammates and works together with them, making option C the correct answer.

3. The activities that require a participant to demonstrate physical superiority over an opponent in a contact sport exercise are fencing and wrestling. These sports involve direct physical contact and require participants to overpower their opponents, making option C the correct answer.

4. The form of gymnastics that incorporates dance, ballet, gymnastics, and apparatus is rhythmic gymnastics. This style of gymnastics emphasizes athleticism, grace, and choreography, making option B the correct answer.

5. Australians who prefer a non-contact game in the outdoors that relies on accurate throwing and rolling skills might choose the game of lawn bowling. Lawn bowling involves rolling balls towards a target, making it a suitable choice based on the given description, making option B the correct answer.

6. Zach, as the goalie, should play as the right defenseman in order to freely move to all areas of the floor on both offense and defense. This position will allow him to cover the goal while also being able to move around the floor, making option D the correct answer.

7. When the other team's center begins to get close to Wade's team's goal, he should position his body between the opposing player and his team's goal. This will help him defend the goal and prevent the opposing player from scoring easily, making option C the correct answer.

8. The basic offensive strategy for Shawna's hockey team is to pass the puck to a spot slightly ahead of their teammate. This allows their teammate to move into that space and continue with the play, making it difficult for defenders to intercept the pass, making option A the correct answer.

9. Brittany's coach wants her to focus on better shot selection during the soccer game. This means shooting when the goalkeeper is out of position, making it easier to score a goal, making option A the correct answer.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

did anyone figure this out?

I Have the same Problem