For vocabulary workshop, Unit 11 # 19. Her ability to _______ the words and gestures of prominent Americans makes her an excellent comic impressionist.

Is the answer: parody ???

or mimic or imitate, too bad it is not multiple choice :)

No, the word "parody" does not fit in the given sentence. The correct answer to fill in the blank is "mimic."

To confirm whether the correct answer for Vocabulary Workshop Unit 11 #19 is "parody," we can follow a few steps:

1. Read the sentence carefully: "Her ability to _______ the words and gestures of prominent Americans makes her an excellent comic impressionist."

2. Identify the context: The sentence suggests that the person being described has the skill to imitate or mimic the words and gestures of prominent Americans.

3. Consider the options: Look at the given options and choose the one that best fits the context. In this case, the choices might include "parody," "encounter," "appreciate," and "analyze."

4. Assess the options: Analyze each option and its definition to see if it aligns with the context.

- "Parody" refers to imitating someone in a humorous or exaggerated way, which matches the context of imitating the words and gestures of prominent Americans for comedic purposes. This seems like a viable choice.

- "Encounter" means to come across or meet someone, which does not fit the original sentence's meaning.

- "Appreciate" means to enjoy or value something, which is not directly related to imitating or mimicking.

- "Analyze" means to examine or study something closely, which does not fit the idea of imitating someone's words and gestures.

5. Choose the best option: Based on the analysis of the options, "parody" seems to be the most suitable choice, as it aligns with the context of imitating someone for comedic purposes.

Therefore, the answer for Vocabulary Workshop Unit 11 #19 is "parody."