What would you write in rising action, falling action, and a resolution on a plot diagram?

Like things we would write, my story's about a girl who's afraid to go on a ride..

In a plot diagram, you would typically write the key events and details that occur in different stages of a story. Let's consider your story about a girl who is afraid to go on a ride. Here's how you could outline the rising action, falling action, and resolution:

1. Rising Action:
- Introduce the main character: Start by establishing the girl as the protagonist and provide some background information about her.
- Setting the stage: Describe the amusement park or fair where the ride is located, highlighting the atmosphere and excitement.
- Initial conflict: Show the girl's fear of going on the ride and the internal struggle she faces. Maybe she watches others ride or talks to friends about it.

2. Climax (the highest point of tension):
- Turning point: Create a moment that pushes the girl closer to facing her fear. This could be a realization, an external event, or a conversation with a friend or family member.
- Confronting the fear: Describe the girl's decision to finally give the ride a try. Depict her overcoming her fear and the build-up to actually getting on the ride.

3. Falling Action:
- Ride experience: Portray the girl's emotions and reactions during the ride itself. Capture the excitement, adrenaline rush, or even the unexpected twists and turns.
- Resolution of secondary conflicts: If there were any additional subplots or minor conflicts introduced earlier in the story, resolve them during this phase.

4. Resolution:
- Change and growth: Reveal how the girl's experience on the ride affects her. Show her newfound confidence and bravery, both in relation to the ride and possibly in other aspects of her life.
- Reflection: Allow the girl to reflect on her journey and what she has learned about herself.
- Conclusion: Provide a satisfying conclusion to the story that wraps up loose ends and leaves the reader with a sense of closure.

Remember, these are just general guidelines for plotting your story. Feel free to adapt and modify them based on your creative vision.