Rainfall for May in Fiji averages 9" according to World Travel Guide. This year it rained 5% less. How many inches did it rain this year?

9 * 0.95 = 8.55 inches

To find out how many inches of rain fell this year, we need to calculate 5% of the average rainfall for May in Fiji.

Step 1: Calculate 5% of 9 inches:
5% is equal to 5/100, which can also be written as 0.05.
So, 0.05 multiplied by 9 inches equals 0.45 inches.

Step 2: Subtract the calculated 5% from the average rainfall:
9 inches - 0.45 inches = 8.55 inches.

Therefore, this year it rained approximately 8.55 inches in Fiji in May.