would it be correct to say:

je n'ai pas besoin d'un livre et d'un stylo

or should it be:
je n'ai pas besoin ni d'un livre ni d'un stylo

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If you wish to say "I don't need a book and a pen" you have said that. But, perhaps you want to say "I don't need either a book or a pen." = Je n'ai pas besoin ni d'un livre ni d'un stylo. Just decide which you prefer.



Both sentences are correct and convey the same meaning. However, they use different structures to express negation.

The first sentence: "Je n'ai pas besoin d'un livre et d'un stylo" uses the negation "ne...pas" to negate the verb "avoir besoin" (to need). This sentence means "I don't need a book and a pen."

The second sentence: "Je n'ai pas besoin ni d'un livre ni d'un stylo" uses the negation "ne...ni...ni" to express a negation with multiple elements. This sentence means "I don't need a book nor a pen."

Both structures are grammatically correct, but the second sentence with "ni...ni" may sound slightly more emphatic. It emphasizes the negation of needing both a book and a pen.

So, you can choose either structure based on your preference or the desired level of emphasis in your sentence.