What is the setting of the voice by pat mora

It's right there, in the first line.



To determine the setting of a poem or literary work such as "The Voice" by Pat Mora, you need to carefully examine the details provided in the text. Here's how you can analyze the setting:

1. Read the Poem: Start by reading the poem "The Voice" by Pat Mora. Pay close attention to any clues or descriptions that provide information about the location or time.

2. Identify Descriptive Language: Look for any descriptive language that might indicate the setting. This includes specific details about the surroundings, weather, objects, or cultural references.

3. Consider Historical or Cultural Context: Analyze the poem within its historical or cultural context. Consider the time period when the poem was written and the author's background. It might provide insights into the setting.

4. Analyze Characters' Actions and Dialogue: Examine the actions and dialogue of the characters in the poem. They might provide clues about the geographical location or cultural environment.

5. Look for Symbolic Associations: Sometimes, the setting in a poem can be symbolic rather than a literal place. Consider whether the setting represents something broader or carries symbolic significance in the poem.

By following these steps, you can carefully analyze the details and context of "The Voice" to determine its setting. However, please note that without access to the specific poem, I cannot provide a definitive answer regarding its setting.