The BMR for a man in his 20s is about 1,700 calories per day. If 204 of those calories should come from protein, about what percentage of his diet should come from protein?

Estimate like this:

200/1700 = 2/17 = 0.11674 = 11.67%

Well, estimate for the first two steps, and then divide and convert.

If you are estimating to get 2/17, and then using a calculator to divide, why not just divide 204/1700 to get .12 or 12%

(Some of us old timers actually had to memorize the 12 times table.
I recognized 204 = 120 + 84
120 = 10x12
84 = 7 x 12
so 204 = 17 x 12
then 204/1700 = 204/17 * 1/00 = 12/100 = .12 or 12%


Clearly, I'm not a math nerd!!!

To find the percentage of calories that should come from protein, we need to divide the protein calories by the total daily calorie intake and multiply by 100.

First, we find the total calorie intake by multiplying the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) by the activity factor. Since the question doesn't provide an activity factor, we'll assume it to be 1.2, which represents a sedentary lifestyle:

Total calorie intake = BMR * activity factor
= 1,700 calories per day * 1.2
= 2,040 calories per day

Now, we divide the protein calories by the total calorie intake and multiply by 100 to get the percentage:

Percentage of protein calories = (Protein calories / Total calorie intake) * 100
= (204 calories / 2,040 calories) * 100
= 0.1 * 100
= 10%

Therefore, about 10% of his diet should come from protein.