In the following sentence identify the appositive or appositive phrase and the noun or pronoun renamed by the appositive.

Mother gave a birthday gift to Mary, my youngest sister.

"my youngest sister" is the appositive phrase. "Mary" is the noun renamed by the appositive.

In the sentence "Mother gave a birthday gift to Mary, my youngest sister," the appositive phrase is "my youngest sister," and it renames the noun "Mary."

To identify the appositive or appositive phrase in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for a noun or pronoun in the sentence.
2. Check if there is a phrase or clause that provides additional information about that noun or pronoun.
3. If there is, that phrase or clause is the appositive or appositive phrase.

In this case, the noun is "Mary," and the phrase "my youngest sister" provides additional information about Mary. So, "my youngest sister" is the appositive phrase that renames the noun "Mary."