Create an image that visually demonstrates the four different groups contributing to total GDP in the absence of text. Use visuals like factory buildings to depict capital goods, a shopping basket for household spending, a government building for government spending, world map or global trade for net imports and exports. Display each group in distinct sections, showing their interaction. Use contrasting colours to differentiate them.

Which of these groups contribute to total GDP?

A. human records, raw materials, capital goods
B. government spending, capital goods, net imports
C. net imports, net exports, household spending
D. net exports, household spending, government spending


The answers are:

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C

I got 3/5 the real answers are

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C
If you go to OCA then these are the correct answers

Unit 8 lesson 7 Economic Changer 8th grade Social Studies B

1.) D- net exports, household spending, government spending
2.) A, this one is confusing, it is B (sorry but the answer is a the answer says b)
3.) B- The grocery store would lay off several employees
4.) B- Political leaders pass large spending cuts
5.) C- Gross domestic product per capita


It's actually C, if you go to Connections Academy like me.
If you go to Public Schooling its probably D...
Good Lucky Anonymous!


are the right answers for connections lol and there is too much going on in this thread

IF you have the "Economics Changes Quick Check" in 2020, then theses answer are most likely going to be correct:

1. D
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. C
I got 60% (3/5) because I listened to Connections Student :(


1. D

2. Is choice A. (A, the label)
3. B
4. B
5. C
If you go to colorado's connections academy.
I had gotten a 3/5 for being a bit dumb and not checking my work.

1. D

2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C

you are awesome wrong the answers are right