a circular flower bed has a radius of 3.2 m.An insect crawls around the edge of the flowerbed at a rate of 2 meters per minutes .About how long dose it take the insect to crawl around the flowerbed?

C = pi * d

C = 3.14 * 6.4

C = 20.096

2 meters per minute???

20.096 / 2 = 10 minutes

To find out how long it takes for the insect to crawl around the flowerbed, we need to calculate the circumference of the flowerbed.

The formula to find the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr, where C is the circumference and r is the radius.

Given that the radius of the flowerbed is 3.2 m, we can substitute this value into the formula and solve for the circumference:

C = 2π(3.2) = 6.4π

Since the insect crawls at a rate of 2 meters per minute, we can divide the circumference by this rate to find the time it takes for the insect to crawl around the flowerbed:

Time = Circumference / Rate = (6.4π) / 2

This gives us the approximate time it takes for the insect to crawl around the flowerbed.