A restaurant bought 4 gross eggs. Estimate what number of eggs that is. Hint:1 gross eequl to 144_

One gross is equal to 144. Thus, if the restaurant bought 4 gross eggs, we can estimate that they purchased 4 multiplied by 144 eggs.

Using basic multiplication, we find that:

4 gross eggs * 144 eggs/gross = 576 eggs.

Therefore, the restaurant is estimated to have bought 576 eggs.

To estimate the number of eggs, we need to remember that 1 gross is equal to 144.

So if the restaurant bought 4 gross eggs, we can multiply 144 by 4 to find the estimated total number of eggs:

144 x 4 = 576

Therefore, the estimated number of eggs the restaurant bought is 576.

I did the last two for you. Now it's your turn. What is your estimate?