what does this statement mean : " the purpose of anthropology is to make the exotic familiar and the familiar exotic".

Anthropology should teach us about the unusual and also make the commonplace seem unusual.

thank you,

You're welcome.

The statement "the purpose of anthropology is to make the exotic familiar and the familiar exotic" is a concise and thought-provoking way to capture the essence of anthropology as a discipline. Let's break it down:

1. "The purpose of anthropology": Anthropology is a field of study that examines human societies and cultures from a holistic perspective. Its purpose is to gain a deep understanding of human life and behavior across different societies and time periods.

2. "To make the exotic familiar": The term "exotic" refers to things that are foreign, unfamiliar, or culturally different. One of the goals of anthropology is to explore and uncover these unfamiliar aspects of societies, cultures, and practices. By studying the exotic, anthropology seeks to bridge gaps in understanding, promoting empathy and appreciation for diverse human experiences.

3. "And the familiar exotic": Conversely, anthropology also aims to make the ordinary and familiar aspects of life appear extraordinary or exotic. This means that even the things we take for granted in our own culture can be reexamined through an anthropological lens to reveal their cultural significance, historical context, and distinctiveness.

In essence, this statement suggests that anthropology helps us to see the world through a new lens, enriching our understanding of both the unfamiliar and the familiar aspects of human life.