12. During the early 1800s, the United States tried to make peace with other countries in order to grow and develop. Give an example of one of these peace efforts and briefly explain what it hoped to accomplish. (5 points)

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To find an example of a peace effort made by the United States during the early 1800s, you can begin by conducting a search using relevant keywords. Consider searching for keywords such as "United States peace efforts 1800s" or "United States diplomacy early 19th century." This will help you find specific instances where the United States attempted to establish peaceful relations with other countries during that time.

One example of a peace effort during this period is the Rush-Bagot Agreement of 1817. This agreement was made between the United States and Great Britain and aimed to reduce tensions and potential conflicts along the United States-Canada border, specifically in the Great Lakes region. The agreement limited the navies of both countries on the Great Lakes and introduced a mutual disarmament policy. The hope was to prevent any military buildup or potential conflict between the United States and Britain, leading to a peaceful coexistence along the shared border. This agreement is considered a significant step toward demilitarizing the border and establishing a foundation for peaceful relations between the two nations.

By using the suggested search terms, you can find more examples of peace efforts made by the United States during the early 1800s, along with their intended goals and accomplishments.