The _______ Act required King _______ I to convene Parliament every three years.

The missing word in the question is "Triennial." The Triennial Act required King Charles I to convene Parliament every three years.

To find the missing word, you can either have prior knowledge of the Triennial Act or employ a few strategies to research it. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find the answer:

1. Begin by searching for the term "Triennial Act" in a search engine or database. This act was passed in 1641 by the English Parliament during the reign of King Charles I. It aimed to ensure that Parliament would meet regularly and limit the king's power.

2. Look for reputable sources such as historical websites, academic articles, or books on the topic. These sources often provide detailed information about historical acts, their purpose, and their effects.

3. Read through the information provided in the sources to verify if the Triennial Act indeed required the king to convene Parliament every three years.

By following these steps, you can obtain accurate information about the Triennial Act and confirm that it was the missing word in the original question.