Evaluate the evidence presented by Rice and Rockefeller. What light do they shed on the Robber Baron Industrial Statesman debate?

I can't find the answer in my book, so any help is appreciated. Please and thank you!

To evaluate the evidence presented by Rice and Rockefeller and understand their contributions to the Robber Baron Industrial Statesman debate, it would be helpful to follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the sources
Start by identifying the sources where the evidence presented by Rice and Rockefeller can be found. This could include books, articles, speeches, interviews, or any other relevant materials.

Step 2: Gather the evidence
Once you have identified the sources, gather all the evidence presented by Rice and Rockefeller. This may include their perspectives, arguments, actions, or any other relevant information that contributes to the debate.

Step 3: Analyze the evidence
Analyze the evidence critically to understand the key points made by Rice and Rockefeller. What are their positions in the debate? How do they support or challenge the notion of Robber Baron Industrial Statesmen? Look for specific examples, anecdotes, statistics, or any other details that strengthen their arguments.

Step 4: Compare and contrast
Compare and contrast the evidence presented by Rice and Rockefeller. Do they have similar or opposing viewpoints? What are the similarities and differences in their arguments, experiences, or actions? By examining these aspects, you can gain a deeper understanding of the different perspectives within the debate.

Step 5: Consider historical context
Remember to consider the historical context surrounding the Robber Baron Industrial Statesman debate. This includes the social, economic, and political conditions of the time period in which Rice and Rockefeller were active. Understanding the context helps to interpret their evidence accurately.

Step 6: Evaluate the impact
Finally, evaluate the impact of the evidence presented by Rice and Rockefeller on the debate. Did their views and actions shape public opinion or policy decisions? What were the short-term and long-term consequences? Assess whether their evidence supported or influenced the overall understanding of the Robber Baron Industrial Statesman debate.

By following these steps and thoroughly examining the evidence presented by Rice and Rockefeller, you will be able to evaluate their contributions to the debate and understand the insights they provide.
