Can you please help me with this scenario? I'm struggling with this. Thank you!

Sample Statement

Mariana Rivera is married, 35 years old, with two children, 5 and 13. She lives in Brisas, in a brick house, and has one dog and two cars. She and her husband work full time, have credit cards, part-time maid, mortgage, and a loan. She cooks on the weekends, and the maid cooks during the week. Her family’s income is $1,900 per month. She cares about how she looks and she goes to the hairdresser. She buys at “Fresh Supermarkets” once a week and her maid/kids go to the “ethnic convenience store” during the week for milk, bread, or candy. Sometimes she goes to “99 Supermarkets” to buy in bulk or “The House of Delicatessen” for luxury items. She buys lottery tickets; she also buys expensive things in installments. She sends her laundry to the cleaners. She cooks from scratch; her family takes her good cooking for granted and they don’t entertain except on holidays. She worries if her children don’t finish the food on their plate. She is more and more stressed about taking care of her family’s needs everyday—bills, maid, kids’ clothes, food, and groceries. She appreciates value, but if something she buys is not good she goes back to the store to complain; when that happens she gets very upset. She has to drive to work every day and feels that traffic gets worse and worse every year. The family does not eat lunch at home but they get together for dinner every night.

•In 2-3 paragraphs, Build a target customer profile
•You may use Fresh Supermarkets as a guideline
•Be creative—have fun
•Define the target customer profile

–Include behaviors, demographics, consumer habits
–What is the value proposition?
–How will the customer respond to different marketing approaches?

First of all, this scenario is woefully out of date. No one today can raise a family on $1900 a month, much less afford a maid!

How does your text suggest you write this scenario.


I don't understand myself. When I asked she said to be creative.

Target Customer Profile:

Based on the given information, Mariana Rivera can be identified as a potential target customer for Fresh Supermarkets. Let's build a target customer profile for Mariana:

Mariana is 35 years old, married, and has two children aged 5 and 13. She lives in Brisas in a brick house and has a monthly income of $1,900. She and her husband work full time and have a mortgage and a loan. Mariana and her family own two cars and have a dog. They live a busy lifestyle and prioritize convenience.

Behaviors and Consumer Habits:
Mariana values convenience and quality in her shopping. She buys groceries once a week at Fresh Supermarkets and supplements with quick visits to the "ethnic convenience store" during the week. She appreciates value for money but is not afraid to complain or return items if they don't meet her standards. Mariana enjoys cooking and takes pride in her home-cooked meals, but also relies on the help of a part-time maid during the week. She cares about her appearance and regularly goes to the hairdresser.

Value Proposition:
For Mariana, the value proposition of Fresh Supermarkets lies in offering a wide range of fresh, high-quality products at competitive prices. The supermarket should also provide convenience, catering to Mariana's busy schedule by offering a variety of items and brands that meet her family's needs. Additionally, personalized customer service and a hassle-free shopping experience would be appreciated, considering Mariana's willingness to complain or return items if necessary.

Response to Marketing Approaches:
Mariana is likely to respond positively to marketing approaches that emphasize the convenience, quality, and value offered by Fresh Supermarkets. Promotions highlighting weekly specials, bulk-buying deals, and discounts on fresh produce might attract her attention. Advertising campaigns highlighting the range of products and support services like home delivery, online shopping, and meal prepping ideas could appeal to Mariana's need for convenience. Testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers could also influence her decision-making process. Overall, Mariana is a customer who values both the quality of the products and the overall shopping experience.