Which of the following is one of the best advantages to using presentation software to create a slide show? A. You do not have to use a computer. B. You can click through the presentation easily. C. You can print slide handouts for your audience. D. You can use the Internet while presenting

The best advantage to using presentation software to create a slide show is B. You can click through the presentation easily.

To understand why this is the best advantage, let's go through the options:

A. You do not have to use a computer: This option is incorrect because presentation software requires the use of a computer to create and display the slides. Therefore, you do need a computer to use presentation software.

B. You can click through the presentation easily: This option is correct and is one of the most significant advantages of using presentation software. With presentation software, you can easily navigate through slides by clicking or using keyboard shortcuts. This allows for smooth transitions between slides and enables seamless control over the presentation.

C. You can print slide handouts for your audience: While this option is a useful feature of presentation software, it is not the best advantage. Handouts can be created and printed from most presentation software, allowing the audience to follow along and take notes. However, this advantage is secondary to the ability to navigate through the presentation easily.

D. You can use the Internet while presenting: This option is incorrect because the ability to use the Internet while presenting is not unique to presentation software. Regardless of the software used, as long as you have an internet-enabled device, you can access the internet during a presentation.

In conclusion, the best advantage to using presentation software to create a slide show is B. You can click through the presentation easily, as it allows for seamless navigation and control over the slides.

Best? To CREATE? D can be very handy in some presentations, especially using you tube videos. However, I don't do that often, and it is not during creation.

B is really handy, especially, to move thru the presentation going back or forward. That is handy to edit when creating.
A is false.
C has little to do with creating a presentation.