what is the difference between Cultural Relativism and Objective Morality.



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Cultural Relativism and Objective Morality are two contrasting views on the nature of morality.

Cultural Relativism suggests that moral standards are not universal and absolute, but rather they are determined by the cultural beliefs and values of a particular society or group. According to this perspective, what is considered moral or immoral can vary from one culture or society to another. Cultural Relativism implies that there is no objective or universal standard for morality, and what is right or wrong is solely based on the cultural context. For example, an action may be deemed morally acceptable in one culture, but morally wrong in another.

On the other hand, Objective Morality asserts the existence of universal and objective moral principles or values that apply to all individuals and cultures, independent of personal or cultural beliefs. Objective Morality holds that certain actions are inherently right or wrong, regardless of cultural or societal norms. This perspective maintains that there are moral truths that are binding on all people, regardless of their individual or cultural perspectives.

To understand the difference between Cultural Relativism and Objective Morality, you can consider their approach to evaluating moral judgments. Cultural Relativism suggests that moral judgments are grounded in cultural norms, customs, and traditions, whereas Objective Morality argues that moral judgments should be based on universal principles or values.

It's important to note that this is a complex and ongoing philosophical debate, and different thinkers may have varying views on these concepts. Exploring different philosophical texts and engaging in discussions on ethics can help further your understanding of the topic.