Does anyone know a calculator that lets you copy and paste the steps?

You can try this:

You can also use Google and search for online calculators

Math tutors may know of some that are better than these. Be patient for others to reply!

Yes, there are calculators available that allow you to copy and paste the steps of your calculations. One such tool is the Desmos Graphing Calculator.

To use the Desmos Calculator, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Desmos website,, on your computer or mobile device.
2. Click on the calculator icon to open the Desmos Graphing Calculator.
3. You will see a blank canvas where you can enter your mathematical expressions and equations.
4. Start typing your calculations, and the calculator will process and display the results.
5. To copy a step, simply highlight the text of the step you want to copy, right-click, and select "Copy" (or use the shortcut Ctrl+C on Windows or Command+C on a Mac).
6. You can then paste the copied step wherever you need it, such as in a document or another calculator tool.

It's important to note that the Desmos Calculator primarily focuses on graphic representations and is excellent for graphing functions, equations, and doing general mathematical calculations. However, if you are looking for a calculator specific to a certain field or type of mathematics, there may be other specialized tools available that offer copying and pasting functionality.