which ordered pair is a solution of the inequality y≥4x - 5

A. (3,4)
B. (2,1)
C. (3,0)
D. (1,1)

To determine which ordered pair is a solution of the inequality y ≥ 4x - 5, we need to substitute the x and y values of each ordered pair into the inequality and check if the inequality is true.

Let's check each option:

A. (3, 4):
Substituting (3, 4) into the inequality:
4 ≥ 4(3) - 5
4 ≥ 12 - 5
4 ≥ 7
The inequality is not true, so (3, 4) is not a solution.

B. (2, 1):
Substituting (2, 1) into the inequality:
1 ≥ 4(2) - 5
1 ≥ 8 - 5
1 ≥ 3
The inequality is not true, so (2, 1) is not a solution.

C. (3, 0):
Substituting (3, 0) into the inequality:
0 ≥ 4(3) - 5
0 ≥ 12 - 5
0 ≥ 7
The inequality is not true, so (3, 0) is not a solution.

D. (1, 1):
Substituting (1, 1) into the inequality:
1 ≥ 4(1) - 5
1 ≥ 4 - 5
1 ≥ -1
The inequality is true, so (1, 1) is a solution.

Therefore, the ordered pair (1, 1) is a solution of the inequality y ≥ 4x - 5. The correct answer is D.

To determine which ordered pair is a solution of the inequality y ≥ 4x - 5, we need to substitute the values from each option into the inequality and check if the inequality still holds true.

Let's check each option:

Option A: (3,4)
y ≥ 4x - 5
4 ≥ 4(3) - 5
4 ≥ 12 - 5
4 ≥ 7

Since 4 is not greater than or equal to 7, option A is not a solution to the inequality.

Option B: (2,1)
y ≥ 4x - 5
1 ≥ 4(2) - 5
1 ≥ 8 - 5
1 ≥ 3

Since 1 is not greater than or equal to 3, option B is not a solution to the inequality.

Option C: (3,0)
y ≥ 4x - 5
0 ≥ 4(3) - 5
0 ≥ 12 - 5
0 ≥ 7

Since 0 is not greater than or equal to 7, option C is not a solution to the inequality.

Option D: (1,1)
y ≥ 4x - 5
1 ≥ 4(1) - 5
1 ≥ 4 - 5
1 ≥ -1

Since 1 is greater than or equal to -1, option D is a solution to the inequality.

Therefore, the ordered pair (1,1) is the solution to the inequality y ≥ 4x - 5.

Did you substitute the given points in the in-equation ?

That's how you can tell.

e.g. first one: (3,4)
is 4 ≥ 12-5 ???