One third of the viewers at a movie opening rated the movie as Good or Very Good. Thirty-five people rated it Good and twenty people rated it Very Good. Write and solve an equation to find the number of people p in the audience.

(1/3)p = 35 + 20

Let's denote the number of people in the audience as p.

We know that one-third of the viewers rated the movie as Good or Very Good. This means that the total number of people who rated the movie as Good or Very Good is (1/3)p.

Out of these viewers, 35 people rated it as Good, and 20 people rated it as Very Good. So, the total number of people who rated the movie either Good or Very Good can be represented as 35 + 20 = 55.

Since this number is equal to (1/3)p, we can write the equation:

(1/3)p = 55

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 3 to remove the fraction, we get:

p = 55 * 3

Simplifying, we find:

p = 165

Therefore, there were 165 people in the audience.

To solve this problem, we can use the information that one third of the viewers rated the movie as Good or Very Good. Let's start by defining a variable.

Let p be the total number of people in the audience.

According to the information given, the number of people who rated the movie as Good plus the number of people who rated it as Very Good is one third of the total audience.

The number of people who rated the movie as Good is 35, and the number of people who rated it as Very Good is 20.

So, our equation becomes:

35 + 20 = (1/3) * p

We can simplify the equation by multiplying both sides by 3:

3 * (35 + 20) = p

3 * 55 = p

p = 165

Therefore, there were 165 people in the audience.