Each ticket to a school dance is $4. The total amount collected in ticket sales is $332. Write and solve an equation to find the number of students attending the dance.

this is hard

To find the number of students attending the dance, we can start by writing an equation.

Let's assume that the number of students attending the dance is represented by the variable "x".

Each ticket costs $4, so the total amount collected in ticket sales can be found by multiplying the price of each ticket by the number of students attending the dance:
Total amount collected = Ticket price × Number of students
$332 = $4 × x

Now we have an equation: $332 = $4x.

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by $4:
$332 ÷ $4 = x

Simplifying, we find:
83 = x

Therefore, there were 83 students attending the dance.

4s = 332

Each ticket to a school dance is $4.the total amount in ticket sales $332. Find the number of students attending the dance