Evaluate: |4 - 8(3 - 12)| - |5 - 11| =

What is 8/3 ÷4

|4 - 8(3 - 12)| - |5 - 11|

|4 - 8(-9)| - |-6|

To evaluate the expression |4 - 8(3 - 12)| - |5 - 11|, we follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS):

1. Simplify the expressions within the parentheses:
- 3 - 12 = -9

2. Multiply:
- 8 * -9 = -72

3. Subtract the product from the value inside the first absolute value signs:
- |4 - (-72)| = |4 + 72| = |76| = 76

4. Find the difference between 5 and 11:
- 5 - 11 = -6

5. Subtract the difference from the value inside the second absolute value signs:
- |76| - |-6| = 76 - 6 = 70

Therefore, evaluating |4 - 8(3 - 12)| - |5 - 11| gives the result of 70.