lnx = x^3 + 1

i know x=1 but can you solve this algebraically?

ln(1)=0, which does not equal 0+1

ln(x)-x^3=1 does not have a solution.

Now if you mean lnx=x^3-1, then yes it has two solutions, Since x3 contains the variable to solve for, move it to the left side of the equation by subtracting x3
from both sides.
The roots of this equation could not be found algebraically, so the roots were determined numerically.

numerically on a graphing calculator?

that would be a choice, I would do it on wolfram.


Newton's method:
let y = lnx - x^3 + 1
dy/dx = 1/x - 3x^2

newx = x - (lnx - x^3 + 1)/(1/x - 3x^2)
= (1 - 3x^3 - lnx + x^3 - 1)/(1/x - 3x^2)
= (-2x^3 - lnx)/(1/x - 3x^2)

guess: x = .5

newx1 = .3545...
newx2 = .38789...
nrwx3 = .39042..
newx4 = .39044046
newx5 = .39044046 <---- correct to 8 decimals

looked like some fun to do it.

To solve the equation lnx = x^3 + 1 algebraically, we need to use a logarithmic property known as the inverse property of exponentiation.

1. Start by rewriting the equation as:
ln(x) = x^3 + 1

2. Apply the inverse property of exponentiation:
Convert the natural logarithm on the left side to an exponential equation. In this case, since ln(x) and e^x are inverse functions, we can rewrite the equation as:
x = e^(x^3 + 1)

3. Since we are given x = 1, substitute it into the equation:
1 = e^(1^3 + 1)

4. Simplify:
1 = e^(2)

5. Finally, use the natural logarithm to solve for e:
ln(1) = ln(e^2)
0 = 2ln(e)
0 = 2

Since the equation leads to an inconsistency (0 = 2), there is no real value for x that satisfies the equation lnx = x^3 + 1. Therefore, x = 1 is not a valid solution.