What ideas were brought forth by John Locke’s Two Treatises of Civil Government?

(Select all that apply.)

religious freedom
checks and balances
social contract
natural rights

I googled this question, but I never really saw any clear answer, just a lot about religion and rights, which made me think that A and D were likely the answers, is this correct?

sorry, when I said 'any clear answer' it made it sound like I wanted a direct answer. Let me replace that to 'any clear EVIDENCE'.

Did you google his name?

Here's one article I found:

So Locke had a 'theory of religious tolerance', so he didn't believe in religious freedom?

Be sure you read the first sentence in that first paragraph!

will do- and thank you!

My teacher will not allow us to use wikipedia,

Yes, your thinking is correct! John Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government indeed introduced ideas related to religious freedom and natural rights. Both of these ideas are central to Locke's political philosophy.

To find answers to such historical or philosophical questions, it is important to consult credible sources. In this case, primary sources such as Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government would be the most reliable. However, if you are unable to access or understand the original text, secondary sources like scholarly articles, books, or educational websites that analyze and interpret Locke's ideas can also be helpful.

Regarding the specific options you mentioned:

A) Religious freedom: Locke argued for religious toleration, maintaining that individuals should have the freedom to practice their own chosen religion without interference from the state. This idea is addressed in his Letter Concerning Toleration as well as in the Two Treatises.

D) Natural rights: Locke emphasized the concept of natural rights, which he believed were inherent to all individuals by virtue of their humanity. These rights included life, liberty, and property. Locke's ideas on natural rights are discussed extensively in the Second Treatise of Civil Government.

The other two options, checks and balances and social contract, are not directly associated with Locke's Two Treatises of Civil Government. Checks and balances is a concept primarily associated with the ideas of Montesquieu, while the concept of a social contract is most famously explored by Thomas Hobbes, although Locke also discussed the idea in his works.

Therefore, based on the options provided, the correct answers would be A) religious freedom and D) natural rights.