Long-range goals are best accomplished by __________ .


writing down and working for intermediate goals

never varying from your daily routine

A daily routine is only helpful if it __________________ .

helps you achieve long-range goals

never varies

includes a lot of fun activities

hich of the following is NOT a benefit of writing down priorities of to-do tasks?

it allows you to manage your time better

it means you will never accomplish the lower priority items

it allows you to accomplish important tasks first, rather than just responding to urgencies

Which of the following is NOT a good strategy in order to persevere toward a goal?

varying the daily routine occasionally

reward yourself as objectives are achieved

avoid writing down a goal you are not sure of

Which of the following is NOT a good strategy if you find yourself behind toward meeting a goal or objective?

panic and abandon the goal

readjust your daily schedule to include more time to meet the goal

readjust the deadline, if possible

An objective differs from a goal in that ______________________ .

the objective takes longer to meet than a goal

the objective is only one element of meeting a goal

the objective can be ignored without consequence

our progress toward a long-range goal should be measured by ___________________________________.

how soon you achieve the long-range goal

your achievement of "mileposts," or intermediate goals

your daily to-do list


Please number the questions and assign letters to the choices.

1. Long-range goals are best accomplished by __________ .


writing down and working for intermediate goals

never varying from your daily routine

2. A daily routine is only helpful if it __________________ .

helps you achieve long-range goals

never varies

includes a lot of fun activities

3. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of writing down priorities of to-do tasks?

it allows you to manage your time better

it means you will never accomplish the lower priority items

it allows you to accomplish important tasks first, rather than just responding to urgencies

4. Which of the following is NOT a good strategy in order to persevere toward a goal?

varying the daily routine occasionally

reward yourself as objectives are achieved

avoid writing down a goal you are not sure of

5. Which of the following is NOT a good strategy if you find yourself behind toward meeting a goal or objective?

panic and abandon the goal

readjust your daily schedule to include more time to meet the goal

readjust the deadline, if possible

6. An objective differs from a goal in that ______________________ .

the objective takes longer to meet than a goal

the objective is only one element of meeting a goal

the objective can be ignored without consequence

7.our progress toward a long-range goal should be measured by ___________________________________.

how soon you achieve the long-range goal

your achievement of "mileposts," or intermediate goals

your daily to-do list

My answers are in the first post at the bottom.

1.B - yes

2.A - yes
3.B - yes
4.C - yes
5.A - yes
6.B - yes
7.B - yes


Thank you.

You're welcome.

1. Long-range goals are best accomplished by writing down and working for intermediate goals.

To accomplish long-range goals, it is important to break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can be done by writing down and working towards intermediate goals, which act as stepping stones towards the long-range goal. By focusing on these smaller goals, you can keep yourself motivated and gauge your progress more effectively.

2. A daily routine is only helpful if it helps you achieve long-range goals.

Having a daily routine can be beneficial in staying organized and managing your time effectively. However, it is only truly helpful if it is aligned with your long-range goals. A routine that is directly connected to your goals and priorities will ensure that you are consistently taking action towards achieving them.

3. One of the benefits of writing down priorities of to-do tasks is that it allows you to accomplish important tasks first, rather than just responding to urgencies.

Writing down your priorities allows you to have a clear understanding of what tasks are most important and should be given priority. By doing so, you can avoid getting caught up in less significant tasks or constantly reacting to urgent matters that may arise throughout the day. This helps you manage your time better and ensures that you are focusing on tasks that align with your goals.

4. Varying the daily routine occasionally is NOT a good strategy in order to persevere toward a goal.

Consistency is key when it comes to working towards a goal. Varying the daily routine occasionally can disrupt your progress and prevent you from developing a consistent habit of taking action towards your goal. It is important to establish a routine that supports your goal and stick to it as much as possible.

5. Panic and abandon the goal is NOT a good strategy if you find yourself behind toward meeting a goal or objective.

When faced with setbacks or falling behind on a goal, it is natural to feel discouraged or overwhelmed. However, panicking and abandoning the goal is not a productive or effective strategy. Instead, it is advisable to readjust your daily schedule to include more time to meet the goal or to reassess the deadline if possible. Finding alternative solutions and staying committed to the goal is a better approach to overcome obstacles.

6. An objective differs from a goal in that the objective is only one element of meeting a goal.

An objective is a specific, measurable target that contributes to the achievement of a larger goal. It can be seen as a component or milestone along the path towards the overall goal. In contrast, a goal is the broader outcome or result that you aim to achieve. Objectives are the smaller, actionable steps that help you progress towards your goal.

7. The progress toward a long-range goal should be measured by your achievement of "mileposts," or intermediate goals.

Measuring progress towards a long-range goal can be challenging since the goal itself may take a significant amount of time to achieve. To break down the progress into more tangible milestones, it is helpful to set intermediate goals known as "mileposts." These are checkpoints that mark your progress along the way and allow you to track your advancement towards the long-range goal.