-5r+6</ = -5(r+2)

I got 10r </= -14. How do I get the variable alone?

When I got the variable alone, I got 1.4. Is that correct?

I assume you have a typo somewhere, because the r's cancel each other out.

-5r+6 ≤ -5r-10

what you got was

6 <= -10

not a likely answer

Ok, awesome! Thanks!

To solve for the variable, you need to isolate it on one side of the inequality sign. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Distribute the -5 on the right side of the inequality:
-5r + 6 ≤ -5(r + 2) becomes -5r + 6 ≤ -5r - 10.

2. Combine like terms on the right side of the inequality:
-5r + 6 ≤ -5r - 10 becomes -5r + 6 ≤ -5r - 10.

3. Now, we want to get rid of the -5r term on both sides of the inequality. To do this, we can add 5r to both sides:
-5r + 5r + 6 ≤ -5r + 5r - 10.
Simplifying this gives us:
6 ≤ -10.

4. Since this inequality is not true, there is no possible value of r that can satisfy it. Therefore, we conclude that there is no solution to the inequality -5r + 6 ≤ -5(r + 2).

In this case, you did not get to the point of isolating the variable r because there is no solution. It is important to check the validity of your solution by verifying whether it satisfies the original inequality.