Identify the sentence that is correctly punctuated.

a. Our goal is simple: we aim to be the best in the industry.
b. Our goal is simple, we aim to be the best in the industry.
c. Our goal is simple—we aim to be the best in the industry.
d. Our goal is simple: we aim to be the best, in the industry.

Where is your answer? Steve, you can put your answer with the question instead of using a separate post.

Study the correct uses of the colon, semicolon, dashes, and commas here. Then let us know what you decide.

Sorry, it's not letting me post my answer. I think it's (a)

Yes, A.

Thank you

The sentence that is correctly punctuated is option c: "Our goal is simple—we aim to be the best in the industry."

To determine the correct answer, it's important to understand the purpose of punctuation in a sentence. Punctuation is used to clarify the structure and meaning of a sentence, as well as to indicate pauses, emphasis, and relationships between different parts of a sentence.

In option a, the colon (:) is correctly used to introduce a list or an explanation. It separates the main clause ("Our goal is simple") from the subordinate clause ("we aim to be the best in the industry"). This punctuation choice is appropriate to emphasize the second part of the sentence.

In option b, a comma is used instead of a colon. While a comma can be used in some cases to separate two independent clauses, it is not appropriate here because the second part ("we aim to be the best in the industry") depends on the first part ("Our goal is simple"). Therefore, a comma is not sufficient to show the relationship between the two clauses.

In option d, the colon is used correctly, but an unnecessary comma is added before "in the industry." This comma creates a pause where it is not needed and disrupts the flow of the sentence.

Option c is the correct choice because it uses an em dash (—) to indicate a stronger break or interruption in the sentence. The em dash effectively separates the main clause ("Our goal is simple") from the subordinate clause ("we aim to be the best in the industry"), clarifying the relationship between the two clauses and providing a clear and concise structure.