calculate the relative change in population if the year is 2000 with 281.42 million population to year 2010 with population of 308.75. please help.


Relative Change = (final - initial)/(initial)

=(308.75 - 281.42) / (281.42)
=(27.33) / (281.42)
=0.097114 (decimal) or
=9.7114% (percentage)

Information: The answer will have no units because the millions in the numerator and denominator cancel out.

thank you

To calculate the relative change in population between two years, you can use the following formula:

Relative Change = ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100

In this case, the Old Value is the population in the year 2000 (281.42 million) and the New Value is the population in the year 2010 (308.75 million).

Let's plug the values into the formula:

Relative Change = ((308.75 - 281.42) / 281.42) * 100

Calculating this expression gives us the relative change in population between the two years.