What is 7+2=2+

What do you think?

Maybe 4

2 + 4 = 6

2 + what number = 9?

7+2=2+7. All your doing is changing the order of operations. :) Here's an example.


Ok got it now thanks

Your welcome :)

The statement "7+2=2+" is incorrect because 7 + 2 is not equal to 2 + something. The equation is missing the value after the equal sign. However, if you meant to ask what value would make the equation 7 + 2 equal to 2 + x, we can solve for x.

To solve this equation, we can subtract 2 from both sides of the equation:
7 + 2 - 2 = 2 + x - 2

Simplifying, we have:
7 = x

Therefore, x is equal to 7.