why do legislative districts vary so muc in size?

In the U.S., legislative districts at all levels of government are drawn according to population. Therefore, urban areas with dense population will have smaller districts in geographic size compared to sparsely populated areas. Each district is to have roughly equal population.

Where? In the US? England? Canada? or ... ??

They are usually created/changed by population, not geographic size.

Legislative districts can vary in size due to several factors, such as population distribution, geographic considerations, historical considerations, and political considerations. Here's an explanation of each of these factors:

1. Population Distribution: Legislative districts aim to achieve equal representation by ensuring that each district represents a relatively equal number of people. In order to maintain this balance, districts must be periodically redrawn based on the latest census data. If there is a significant population growth or decline in certain areas, districts may need to be adjusted to maintain equal representation.

2. Geographic Considerations: Districts might vary in size to accommodate geographical features such as mountains, rivers, or densely populated urban areas. For example, rural districts with low population densities might need to be larger in size compared to densely populated urban districts to ensure a similar number of constituents.

3. Historical Considerations: Over time, political boundaries can become ingrained or have historical significance. District sizes may be influenced by pre-existing city or county borders, historical voting patterns, or the desire to maintain historical communities within a district.

4. Political Considerations: In some cases, district boundaries might be intentionally manipulated for political advantage, a process known as gerrymandering. This involves drawing districts to favor one political party over another. Gerrymandering can result in districts that vary greatly in size but are designed to achieve certain political outcomes.

To better understand the specific reasons for variations in district size in a particular jurisdiction, it is important to research the specific laws, redistricting processes, and political dynamics that govern that jurisdiction.
