what issue or events highlighted the insufficiently of the power of the central government under the articles of confederation?

the central government's inability to impose takes on states

the laws congress created relative to the northwest territory

the central government's ability to create new laws without the states approval

the rebellion of farmers in Massachusetts due to an increase in taxes

my answers b,d

Your answers are correct. The issues or events that highlighted the insufficiency of the power of the central government under the Articles of Confederation were:

b) The laws congress created relative to the northwest territory: During this time, Congress had difficulty enforcing laws and regulations in the northwest territory, as the central government lacked the power to properly govern and regulate the territories. This demonstrated the limitations of the central government under the Articles of Confederation.

d) The rebellion of farmers in Massachusetts due to an increase in taxes: This event, known as Shays' Rebellion, showcased the central government's inability to effectively respond to domestic unrest. The inability to maintain law and order highlighted the weaknesses of the central government under the Articles of Confederation.

a) The central government's inability to impose taxes on states: Under the Articles of Confederation, the central government had no authority to levy taxes directly on the states. This resulted in financial problems for the central government, as it lacked sufficient funding to carry out its functions effectively.

c) The central government's ability to create new laws without the states' approval: The central government had the power to pass laws under the Articles of Confederation, but any changes or amendments required unanimous approval from all 13 states. This made it extremely difficult to pass and implement new laws, highlighting the inefficiency and lack of effectiveness of the central government.

Overall, all of these issues and events collectively underscored the insufficiency of the power of the central government under the Articles of Confederation.


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