A ________ is the way a person reacts to a situation based on the social environment in which a person grows up.

Coping Strategy
Defense Mechanism **
learned emotion
primary emotion

Wait no C

Yes, c.

Thank you Ms.Sue

You're welcome, Mark.

The correct answer is "Defense Mechanism." Defense mechanisms are psychological strategies that individuals unconsciously use to protect themselves from unpleasant or threatening emotions or situations. These mechanisms are learned and developed through the social environment in which a person grows up. Defense mechanisms are often employed as a way to cope with stress, preserve self-esteem, minimize anxiety, or shield oneself from emotional pain.

To determine the answer to this question, you can use the method of elimination or rely on your understanding of psychological concepts. By considering the given options, you can analyze each choice and see which one aligns with the description in the question. In this case, "Defense Mechanism" best fits the concept of a person's reaction to a situation based on their social environment.