Which of the following supports the idea that the constitution was written with compromises.

Smaller states would be represented equally in congress

No system of checks and balances would be included in this new government

Congress could not have complete power to regulate commerce relating to slave trade

Three fifths of the enslaved residents of any states would be represtnted as its population

a and d

The answer to your question, which statement supports the idea that the constitution was written with compromises, would be the first statement: "Smaller states would be represented equally in congress."

To get to this answer, you should review the concept of compromises during the writing of the constitution. The delegates at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 had different interests and concerns, and compromise was necessary to reach an agreement on various issues. One of the most significant compromises was the Connecticut Compromise, also known as the Great Compromise. It established a bicameral legislature with two branches: the House of Representatives, where representation was based on the population of each state, and the Senate, where each state would have equal representation.

The first statement corresponds to this compromise by ensuring that smaller states would have equal representation in the Senate, which helped address their concerns about being overshadowed by larger states. This demonstrates that the constitution was indeed written with compromises in mind.

Actually, it's A, B, and D

Actually it is A B and C