A serving of Doritos has 17 g of carbohydrates. What is this mass in units of ounces? (16 ounces = 453.6 g)

17 g x (16 oz/453.6 g) = ?

To convert grams (g) to ounces (oz), we use the conversion factor: 1 oz = 28.35 g.

Given that 16 ounces = 453.6 g, we can write the conversion factor as: 16 oz / 453.6 g.

To find the mass in ounces, we can set up a proportion as follows:

17 g / x oz = 1 oz / 453.6 g

Cross-multiplying gives us:

17 g * 1 oz = x oz * 453.6 g

We can simplify this as:

17 oz = 453.6 g * x oz

Now, we solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 453.6 g:

x oz = 17 oz / 453.6 g

Calculating the right side gives us:

x oz ≈ 0.0375 oz

Therefore, a serving of Doritos with a mass of 17 g is approximately equal to 0.0375 ounces.

To convert the mass of 17 g to ounces, you can use the conversion factor 16 ounces = 453.6 g.

First, set up a proportion using the given conversion factor:
1 serving of Doritos / 17 g = 16 ounces / 453.6 g

To find the mass in ounces, you can cross-multiply and solve for the unknown value:
(1 serving of Doritos) x (16 ounces) = (17 g) x (453.6 g)

Now divide both sides of the equation by 453.6 to solve for the ounces:
(1 serving of Doritos) x (16 ounces) / (453.6 g) = (17 g) x (453.6 g) / (453.6 g)

Simplifying the equation:
(16 ounces) / (453.6 g) = 17 x (453.6 g) / (453.6 g)

Finally, perform the calculation and cancel out the units:
(16 ounces) / (453.6 g) = 16 / 453.6 = 0.03528

Therefore, a serving of Doritos with a mass of 17 g is equivalent to approximately 0.03528 ounces.